Safeguarding Children Policy Statement
Carmelite Sisters, New Ross.
It is the policy of the Discalced Carmelite Sisters, New Ross to do everything in our power to safeguard the welfare of children who may come to our monastery.
As a Community of Contemplative Nuns we cherish and affirm that each child is a gift from God with an inherent right to dignity of life and bodily integrity which shall be respected, nurtured and protected by all and we strive to protect them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. We follow the child protection norms of the Diocese of Ferns and the Parish of New Ross.
The policy is devised to ensure that our Sisters take every possible measure to prevent abuse. It aims to ensure that none of its personnel or volunteers engage in behaviour that could allow abuse to occur or actions that could be misinterpreted by children, their families or other adults as constituting or leading to abuse.
If you are concerned about a child please report your concern to any of the following;
Diocesan Designated person: Marian Stack 085-1055992
Assistant Designated person Mgr. Denis Lennon 053-9124417
Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Colette O’Doherty
Office 053-9174972 087-9474513
Civil Authorities
Tusla Jim Gibson 051-860048 Dermot Halpin 051 846766
Garda: New Ross Gardai :051-426030 Enniscorthy Gardai: 053-9242580
Gorey Gardai: 053-9430690 Wexford Gardai 053-9165200
Sexual Assault Unit, Harcourt Street, Dublin 016663430 or 016663445
—What to do if a person comes with a safeguarding concern.
Listen, be welcoming and supportive.
Sensitively hear what the person has to say. Do not question the person or seek to investigate the matter yourself.
Explain that there are persons in place whose responsibility is to deal with this matter; then give the names and phone numbers of the persons listed on the policy statement.
It is essential that the person making the complaint/concern be put in contact with the statutory authorities or with the diocesan or parish designated persons responsible for safeguarding procedures.
Any concern around safety and wellbeing of a child will be passed on to the relevant statutory authority by the designated person within the community .
Code of behaviour for our life and mission
We welcome many people to our monastery and Church. On various occasions children visit our monastery from schools to learn more about our way of life. We welcome and facilitate these groups from within the enclosure. However more than one adult person is always present in these groups. When we refer to children we are talking about children up to eighteen years old. The areas where the Sisters meet children are the parlours and at the hall door and this is from within the enclosure.
Treat all to whom we minister with respect and courtesy.
Respect the boundary of physical and emotional space of others.
Ensure that another adult is present or close by when providing pastoral ministry to a minor.
Avoid all inappropriate communication with children through the internet, e-mail, text messages or otherwise.
Ensure that permission of the parent/guardian and/or the person is given when taking photographs and making videos or other recordings of children in the course of ministry or otherwise.
Avoid use of our pastoral role to foster relationships of dependence and subservience, over-familiarity with one child to the exclusion of others.
Avoid any form of over-familiarity or inappropriate language that could reasonably be interpreted as harassment.
Never act in a way that is intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade a child.
If a sister is for any reason on her own with children she is to call another sister.
In the hall door areas if a child comes alone ask him/her to bring a parent, if there is no adult at hand the sister should contact another sister and ask her to come to the door.
Apart from the parlours, hall door area, Church and sacristy all other areas form the cloister which is private to the sisters.
No child is permitted unaccompanied within the enclosure.
All employees who may have contact with children on our premises will be garda vetted.
The priest will sign the book each day in the sacristy including visiting priests.