We are Discalced Carmelite Nuns,
members of the Order of the Blessed
Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel

We are a worldwide Order, or religious family,
and it also includes as its members Friars
and lay people, Secular Carmelites.

We live a cloistered, contemplative life,
following in the footsteps of St. Teresa of Avila
"We are called by God to live a life of prayer for the church & for the World"
We are Contemplative Nuns called by God to live a life of prayer for the Church and for the World.
Our life as Discalced Carmelites is a continuous journey in prayer towards union with God.
This radical choice is a response to a personal call, following a time of discernment, to commit one’s life to God.
In our Rule of Life we are encouraged to meditate day and night on the Word of the Lord.
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Our life as Discalced Carmelites is a continuous journey in prayer towards union with God.
This radical choice is a response to a personal call, following a time of discernment, to commit one’s life to God.
In our Rule of Life we are encouraged to meditate day and night on the Word of the Lord.
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