Child Safeguarding Policy: Kilmacud

Carmelite Contemplative Sisters – Kilmacud
Safeguarding Children Policy Statement 2015

The Carmelite Sisters are committed to the Gospel values that cherish and safeguard children, as well as protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.

“Let the children come to me; do not stop them.”(Mt.19:14)

We, the Discalced Carmelite Sisters (OCD) of St Joseph’s Carmelite Monastery, Upper Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Blackrock, follow the guidelines of the Dublin Archdiocesan Child Safeguarding policy and also that of our parish of St Laurence O’Toole, Kilmacud, both compliant with Children First. We strive to do everything in our power to safeguard the welfare of children with whom we come in contact. We belong to an enclosed monastic contemplative community and our outreach is only from within the monastic enclosure.

We cherish and affirm that each child/person is a gift from God with an inherent right to dignity of life and bodily integrity which should be respected, nurtured and protected by all.

As enclosed Contemplative Carmelites we recognise that the welfare of children and young people is of paramount importance and promotes their wellbeing. Whilst maintaining confidentiality in other areas, all allegations of child abuse, shared with any member of the Community shall be passed on to the relevant Statutory Authorities by the Designated Liaison Person.

The Duty Social Worker of Tusla
Phone: 2744200 (Bray) or 2808471 (Dun Laoghaire)

The GARDA Station:
Dundrum: 01 666 5600 or Blackrock 01 6665200

Director of Safeguarding Archdiocese of Dublin:
Liam Lally: Mobile: + 353 (0) 86 8312987  Email: [email protected]

Parish Representative:

Helen Horan& Netta Williams at Kilmacud Parish Office 01 288 4009

Towards Healing helpline: 1800 303 416

Samaritans: 1850 609090
1. Adopt a listening attitude which is calm and reassuring.

2. Be welcoming and supportive.

3. Sensitively hear what the person has to say. Do not question the person or seek to investigate the matter yourself.

4. Explain that the concern will be passed on to the Designated Liaison Person, who in turn will forward it to the relevant Statutory Authorities.

5. Inform the Prioress as well but do not pass on the phone call/or person to anybody else.

6. The Designated Liaison Person in the community is the one to make the immediate contact with the following and inform them of this disclosure:

The Duty Social Worker of Tusla
Phone: 2744200 (Bray) or 2808471 (Dun Laoghaire)
The GARDA Station:
Dundrum: 01 666 5600 or Blackrock 01 6665200
Director of Safeguarding Archdiocese of Dublin:
Andrew Fagan: 01 836 0314 or Mobile: 087 685 3180

as enclosed Contemplative Carmelites

Our Carmelite Safeguarding Policy will be displayed in prominent places in our Monastery – the porch of our Chapel and reception area – and it will be reviewed on a yearly basis and revised should further changes be suggested by NBSCCCI.

A member of our Community is appointed as the Designated Liaison Person to deal with any disclosures of child abuse.

Our outreach to everyone who approaches us is from within the Monastic enclosed life. Strict monastic enclosure is maintained in all our Monasteries in our interactions with the laity including children. In that outreach we will observe the following:

• Treat all who come in contact with us with respect and courtesy.

• Each child’s boundaries shall be sacred to us.

• Avoid all inappropriate communication with children through the internet, e-mail, text messages or otherwise.

• Avoid any relationships of dependence and subservience, over-familiarity with one child to the exclusion of others.

• We will not engage in or tolerate any behaviour, verbal, physical, or emotional which could be construed as bullying or harassment.

• In our outreach to children who come in contact with us from within our Monastic enclosure, we will strive to put into practise the welcoming, affirming attitudes of Jesus in the Gospel and avoid anything that is intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade a child or any person.

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